(too old to reply)
2014-05-14 00:10:14 UTC
I have a VB6 SP6 app that up until now has been installing and running
just fine on Windows 8 64. Now I have a HP Windows 8 64 that returns
an error when trying to register the comctl32.ocx. There are other
.ocx's that get registered when installed just not comctl32.ocx.
the client tells me that they can't even register or unregister it
manually. Any idea's

2014-05-14 01:12:10 UTC
Post by unknown
I have a VB6 SP6 app that up until now has been installing and
running just fine on Windows 8 64. Now I have a HP Windows 8 64 that
returns an error when trying to register the comctl32.ocx. There are
other .ocx's that get registered when installed just not
comctl32.ocx. the client tells me that they can't even register or
unregister it manually. Any idea's
If it's a corporate net it's probably Group Policy related issue. Using
a manifest obviates this problem completely!

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2014-05-14 01:46:20 UTC
Post by unknown
I have a VB6 SP6 app that up until now has been installing and running
just fine on Windows 8 64. Now I have a HP Windows 8 64 that returns
an error when trying to register the comctl32.ocx. There are other
.ocx's that get registered when installed just not comctl32.ocx.
the client tells me that they can't even register or unregister it
manually. Any idea's
Not enough information:
What is the actual error?
When does the error happen? When your application is installed? When
your application is loaded? Etc?
What version of Windows IExplorer are you using?
Does your application in fact use comctl32.ocx or msconctrl.ocx.

Also it is a tad confusing because you say "I have a HP Windows 8 64",
then you suggest it is "the client" that says they can't register or
unregister the component manually. Who is this you? Or them?

With limited information a best guess is that your "client" doesn't
know how to register 32-bit components on a 64-bit platform.

1) 32-bit components on a 64-bit platform are installed in the
c:\windows\sysWOW64\ folder
2) Make sure this is where comctl32.ocx is located.
2b) If not found then have them download and install ...
"Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Common Controls"
2c) This should install and register the component, but if not
then proceed to manually registering it ...
3) Open a CMD prompt *as Administrator*
You must have administrator priviledge.
4) In the Window change directory to the sysWOW64 folder
5) Register the component by using
regsvr32 comctl32.ocx

a) There is a "regsvr32" located in both the sysWOW64 and the System32
folder. One needs to use the appropriate one to register either 32-bit
or 64-bit components.
b) Both are suppose to be identical and suppose to automatically
detect the bit-ness of the target and adjust accordingly. Sometimes
this seems to fail. Migrating to the correct folder and registering in
place insures bit-ness will be detected.
c) There are other obscure problems that may be occurring. They are
rare. If the above doesn't work, report back with more information.

2014-05-14 10:01:41 UTC
Post by ralph
Post by unknown
I have a VB6 SP6 app that up until now has been installing and running
just fine on Windows 8 64. Now I have a HP Windows 8 64 that returns
an error when trying to register the comctl32.ocx. There are other
.ocx's that get registered when installed just not comctl32.ocx.
the client tells me that they can't even register or unregister it
manually. Any idea's
What is the actual error?
When does the error happen? When your application is installed? When
your application is loaded? Etc?
What version of Windows IExplorer are you using?
Does your application in fact use comctl32.ocx or msconctrl.ocx.
Also it is a tad confusing because you say "I have a HP Windows 8 64",
then you suggest it is "the client" that says they can't register or
unregister the component manually. Who is this you? Or them?
With limited information a best guess is that your "client" doesn't
know how to register 32-bit components on a 64-bit platform.
1) 32-bit components on a 64-bit platform are installed in the
c:\windows\sysWOW64\ folder
2) Make sure this is where comctl32.ocx is located.
2b) If not found then have them download and install ...
"Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Common Controls"
2c) This should install and register the component, but if not
then proceed to manually registering it ...
3) Open a CMD prompt *as Administrator*
You must have administrator priviledge.
4) In the Window change directory to the sysWOW64 folder
5) Register the component by using
regsvr32 comctl32.ocx
a) There is a "regsvr32" located in both the sysWOW64 and the System32
folder. One needs to use the appropriate one to register either 32-bit
or 64-bit components.
b) Both are suppose to be identical and suppose to automatically
detect the bit-ness of the target and adjust accordingly. Sometimes
this seems to fail. Migrating to the correct folder and registering in
place insures bit-ness will be detected.
c) There are other obscure problems that may be occurring. They are
rare. If the above doesn't work, report back with more information.
Ok guys thanks
In a couple of days I'll be looking at the client's computer and be
able to get a better handle of the problem. I just wanted to have
enough information before i got there.

Thanks again
2014-05-20 10:46:07 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by ralph
Post by unknown
I have a VB6 SP6 app that up until now has been installing and running
just fine on Windows 8 64. Now I have a HP Windows 8 64 that returns
an error when trying to register the comctl32.ocx. There are other
.ocx's that get registered when installed just not comctl32.ocx.
the client tells me that they can't even register or unregister it
manually. Any idea's
What is the actual error?
When does the error happen? When your application is installed? When
your application is loaded? Etc?
What version of Windows IExplorer are you using?
Does your application in fact use comctl32.ocx or msconctrl.ocx.
Also it is a tad confusing because you say "I have a HP Windows 8 64",
then you suggest it is "the client" that says they can't register or
unregister the component manually. Who is this you? Or them?
With limited information a best guess is that your "client" doesn't
know how to register 32-bit components on a 64-bit platform.
1) 32-bit components on a 64-bit platform are installed in the
c:\windows\sysWOW64\ folder
2) Make sure this is where comctl32.ocx is located.
2b) If not found then have them download and install ...
"Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Common Controls"
2c) This should install and register the component, but if not
then proceed to manually registering it ...
3) Open a CMD prompt *as Administrator*
You must have administrator priviledge.
4) In the Window change directory to the sysWOW64 folder
5) Register the component by using
regsvr32 comctl32.ocx
a) There is a "regsvr32" located in both the sysWOW64 and the System32
folder. One needs to use the appropriate one to register either 32-bit
or 64-bit components.
b) Both are suppose to be identical and suppose to automatically
detect the bit-ness of the target and adjust accordingly. Sometimes
this seems to fail. Migrating to the correct folder and registering in
place insures bit-ness will be detected.
c) There are other obscure problems that may be occurring. They are
rare. If the above doesn't work, report back with more information.
Ok guys thanks
In a couple of days I'll be looking at the client's computer and be
able to get a better handle of the problem. I just wanted to have
enough information before i got there.
Thanks again
I Finally got to look at the machine.
They thought they were logged in as an administrator.
Thanks again guys
