R C Nesbit
2013-03-03 09:53:12 UTC
I have an app which generates a time sheet report in an
excel sheet.
I have a timesheet.xlt template, which has 2 worksheets, 1
is a summary sheet, on line per Person, the second is
called "Name"
I open a recordset containing a single field ("Person")
then loop though the recordset adding a new worksheet for
each record returned.
wsRow(1) = 4
i = 2
Do While Not rsT.EOF
oWS(1).Cells(wsRow(1), 1) = rsT.Fields(0)
oWB.Sheets("Name").Copy After:=Sheets(i)
oWB.Sheets("Name").Cells(1, 2) = rsT.Fields(0)
oWB.Sheets("Name").Cells(1, 7) = sReportDate
oWB.Sheets("Name").Name = rsT.Fields(0)
oWB.Sheets("Name (2)").Name = "Name"
i = i + 1
wsRow(1) = wsRow(1) + 1
This works perfectly.
If it is run a second time excel generates multiple errors
starting with:
1004 Method 'Sheets' of object '_Global' failed
at the line:
oWB.Sheets("Name").Copy After:=Sheets(i)
excel sheet.
I have a timesheet.xlt template, which has 2 worksheets, 1
is a summary sheet, on line per Person, the second is
called "Name"
I open a recordset containing a single field ("Person")
then loop though the recordset adding a new worksheet for
each record returned.
wsRow(1) = 4
i = 2
Do While Not rsT.EOF
oWS(1).Cells(wsRow(1), 1) = rsT.Fields(0)
oWB.Sheets("Name").Copy After:=Sheets(i)
oWB.Sheets("Name").Cells(1, 2) = rsT.Fields(0)
oWB.Sheets("Name").Cells(1, 7) = sReportDate
oWB.Sheets("Name").Name = rsT.Fields(0)
oWB.Sheets("Name (2)").Name = "Name"
i = i + 1
wsRow(1) = wsRow(1) + 1
This works perfectly.
If it is run a second time excel generates multiple errors
starting with:
1004 Method 'Sheets' of object '_Global' failed
at the line:
oWB.Sheets("Name").Copy After:=Sheets(i)
Rob Pearson
Rob Pearson