Common Dialog Cancel Error
(too old to reply)
2016-12-14 15:13:35 UTC
I really have 2 items.
The commondialog box cancelerror statement.
My app was\in written on a Vista computer.

I have a On error statement in the beginning of the command button
When I set the CommonDialog.cancelerror to TRUE, when selecting the
cancel button it acts like to doesn't even see the error routine, and
immediately gives me the Runtime Error 32775 Cancel Was Pressed and
then exits the program. When i do the same on my Windows 10 computer
it works just like it should. Anyone know what Im doing wrong.

The second item (which if fixed will take care of the first item) is
that my app uses FarPoint controls Input pro and tab pro from a
million years ago. I can not install these controls on my windows 10
computer. Farpoint is out of business, i believe that
ComponetOne\GrapeCity bought them out but I get the deer in the
headlight look from them.
Anyhow everytime I try to install them on my windows 10 computer I
get a "This Program Can Not Run On This Machine" message.
I tried the different compatability modes - nothing.
I know the controls work fine on windows 10 cause the app has been
installed on these machines and runs just fine. It seems to just be
the installer for the tools that's not working.
Any Idea's

Thanks in Advance
2016-12-16 01:26:19 UTC
I figured out the cancel error problem (stupid mistake) but i could
still use some help on the farpoint installers.
Post by HarryC
I really have 2 items.
The commondialog box cancelerror statement.
My app was\in written on a Vista computer.
I have a On error statement in the beginning of the command button
When I set the CommonDialog.cancelerror to TRUE, when selecting the
cancel button it acts like to doesn't even see the error routine, and
immediately gives me the Runtime Error 32775 Cancel Was Pressed and
then exits the program. When i do the same on my Windows 10 computer
it works just like it should. Anyone know what Im doing wrong.
The second item (which if fixed will take care of the first item) is
that my app uses FarPoint controls Input pro and tab pro from a
million years ago. I can not install these controls on my windows 10
computer. Farpoint is out of business, i believe that
ComponetOne\GrapeCity bought them out but I get the deer in the
headlight look from them.
Anyhow everytime I try to install them on my windows 10 computer I
get a "This Program Can Not Run On This Machine" message.
I tried the different compatability modes - nothing.
I know the controls work fine on windows 10 cause the app has been
installed on these machines and runs just fine. It seems to just be
the installer for the tools that's not working.
Any Idea's
Thanks in Advance
2016-12-16 23:35:20 UTC
Post by HarryC
The second item (which if fixed will take care of the first item) is
that my app uses FarPoint controls Input pro and tab pro from a
million years ago. I can not install these controls on my windows 10
computer. Farpoint is out of business, i believe that
ComponetOne\GrapeCity bought them out but I get the deer in the
headlight look from them.
Anyhow everytime I try to install them on my windows 10 computer I
get a "This Program Can Not Run On This Machine" message.
I tried the different compatability modes - nothing.
I know the controls work fine on windows 10 cause the app has been
installed on these machines and runs just fine. It seems to just be
the installer for the tools that's not working.
Any Idea's
I have the Farpoint Developer Suite which includes those controls along
with their Spread.ocxx and others. My apps install/run on my Win10
machine just fine! I haven't put VB on this machine yet so I can't
speak to this right now, but I'll be following this thread for sure.

Any reason you can't just copy the files and manually register them?
(That's what i did to migrate from XP machine to Win7 Pro machine;
-worked just fine!!)

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Classic VB Users Regroup!
2016-12-16 23:54:25 UTC
Bad news...

I just installed ListPro and using its setup.exe ran without error; -I
was able to use it as expected in a VBA project and so expect it will
work with VB when I install it.

I'll admit to not using either of the ListPro/TabPro controls because
spread.ocx pretty much does what they do anyway; -less overhead when
distributing since most of my apps are duplicate stand-alone Windows
versions of my Excel-based apps!

Free usenet access at http://www.eternal-september.org
Classic VB Users Regroup!
2016-12-17 00:28:34 UTC
Post by GS
Any reason you can't just copy the files and manually register them?
(That's what i did to migrate from XP machine to Win7 Pro machine;
-worked just fine!!)
Ah.., not exactly! I wanted to test drive TabPro and without the
ProductCode/SerialNo it only ran on the Win7 machine as a 'trial'
(which long ago expired)<g>

Free usenet access at http://www.eternal-september.org
Classic VB Users Regroup!
2016-12-17 01:12:50 UTC
I believe that I still have the product codes\serial numbers.

I always thought that there was some kind of magic in the installer

I'll try the copy and register them myself.
Which files did you copy - just the .ocx's ?
Will the program compile out correctly ?

If this works I'll be one happy camper.
Post by GS
Post by GS
Any reason you can't just copy the files and manually register them?
(That's what i did to migrate from XP machine to Win7 Pro machine;
-worked just fine!!)
Ah.., not exactly! I wanted to test drive TabPro and without the
ProductCode/SerialNo it only ran on the Win7 machine as a 'trial'
(which long ago expired)<g>
2016-12-17 04:21:50 UTC
Post by HarryC
I believe that I still have the product codes\serial numbers.
I always thought that there was some kind of magic in the installer
I think same since the OCXs need to know they're licensed for
distribution. Though, I have no idea how 3rd party component licensing
Post by HarryC
I'll try the copy and register them myself.
Which files did you copy - just the .ocx's ?
Will the program compile out correctly ?
I didn't try to compile but as a 'trial' ocx it very likely won't run
when distributed. (Seems I recall that happening!)
Post by HarryC
If this works I'll be one happy camper.
As I found out earlier, the copied ocx ran as a 'trial' and since that
expired it no longer lloads.
Post by HarryC
Post by GS
Post by GS
Any reason you can't just copy the files and manually register
them? (That's what i did to migrate from XP machine to Win7 Pro
machine; -worked just fine!!)
Ah.., not exactly! I wanted to test drive TabPro and without the
ProductCode/SerialNo it only ran on the Win7 machine as a 'trial'
(which long ago expired)<g>

Free usenet access at http://www.eternal-september.org
Classic VB Users Regroup!
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