Two questions: 1 GUI advice, 1 OT
(too old to reply)
2011-08-17 18:49:12 UTC
#1. A friend has asked me to write a small app for them to input
lottery numbers, save them, and then check against the winning numbers
after the draw. That's all very simple.
Looking for advice on the "best" GUI approach for inputting the
numbers. Probably the most recognizable model would be a grid, so the
operation would be like using an Excel spreadsheet. Does anyone know
of a freely available editable grid? Or is there a better solution?

#2. OT but if there's an answer I'm confident one or more of the gurus
here will know it.

I have used Paint Shop Pro v. 4 for ages as my graphics editing tool
of choice. It isn't fancy but it's easy to use and it does everything
I need it to do so I've never bothered upgrading. The problem is now
that I'm on Windows 7 x64 PSP won't install. Apparently the PSP
installer is a 16-bit beastie and Win7 x64 absolutely refuses to run
16-bit progs no matter what compatibility settings are selected. PSP
itself is a 32-bit app; it's just the installer that seems to be "no
go" for Win7.
And yes, I've always selected "Run as Administrator" every time I've
tried to install PSP.
Does anyone know of a way to get Win7 to install PSP v. 4. Barring
that, any suggestions for a replacement for PSP4?

Thank you for your time and cooperation.
2011-08-17 20:25:24 UTC
Post by RW
#1. A friend has asked me to write a small app for them to input
lottery numbers, save them, and then check against the winning numbers
after the draw. That's all very simple.
Looking for advice on the "best" GUI approach for inputting the
numbers. Probably the most recognizable model would be a grid, so the
operation would be like using an Excel spreadsheet. Does anyone know
of a freely available editable grid? Or is there a better solution?
No guru, but have done something similar.

[Assuming PowerBall for example ...]

Create a Custom Control that provides 6 round balls. With the last one
separated slightly by space and color. (Take a look at the
Powerball.com website]

Provide a single entry box below. Provide an [Enter Button] (which I
don't like) or key off the space bar [the ' ' character]

When user types a number and hits space (ie, any key will do, you
might support more than one.) the number appears in one of the balls.
Should note once a valid number is typed and a ball changed - the
entry box clears.

The control also tracks ordinal weight and filters out duplicates.

eg: User types: The balls show:
'1' space <box clears> 1
'23' space <box clears> 1 23
'1' space <box clears> 1 23
'19' space 1 19 23
When all balls are filled, the 'entered' number no longer does

Clicking on one of the balls, allows the User to change just that
number or preceed to change all of them from that point on.

Provide a [Done Button] and/or character. We just let them TAB away
from the control, but you probably want to stay there for the next
number, perhaps
'*' done
'.' clear last number
'/' clear all

The control can complain if there aren't enough numbers, etc.

We originally 'drew' numbers on the same picture, but later just
simply provided 50+ 'ball pictures', seemed responsive enough for our
purpose (which by the way wasn't powerball, but product numbers and we
also supported alphanumerics.)

Sounds worse than it is.
That gives the User the option of copy 'n paste, manual entry from
keyboard or numeric pad, etc.
They can get quite quick with their entries in a very short period of
2011-08-18 19:34:30 UTC
Post by ralph
No guru, but have done something similar.
[snip suggestion]

Thanks Ralph. Sounds like it might be a plan. I'll run it by my friend
to see if it's the kind of UI they'd be comfortable using.
Karl E. Peterson
2011-08-17 21:02:52 UTC
Post by RW
Does anyone know of a way to get Win7 to install PSP v. 4. Barring
that, any suggestions for a replacement for PSP4?
Given how old it is, first thing I'd try is an "xcopy install" from
another machine. I mean, ya gotta wonder if just lifting the install
folder from one to the other would do the trick, eh?

If not, I can tell you for sure that both PSP8 and PSP9 (last JASC
build) install just fine on 7x64.
.NET: It's About Trust!
2011-08-18 19:38:09 UTC
Post by Karl E. Peterson
Given how old it is, first thing I'd try is an "xcopy install" from
another machine. I mean, ya gotta wonder if just lifting the install
folder from one to the other would do the trick, eh?
I thought about that and in fact I even pretyy much tried it. There
was a glitch though in that PSP complained about some files not being
available or something. I ~think~ it's likely tied to missing registry
entries. I'm thinking of exporting a reg file for PSP from the old box
and merging it on the Win7 machine and trying the "xcopy install"
again. Thoughts?
Post by Karl E. Peterson
If not, I can tell you for sure that both PSP8 and PSP9 (last JASC
build) install just fine on 7x64.
Failing everyhting else I'll look into these alternatives.

Thanks, Karl.
2011-08-18 19:51:26 UTC
Post by RW
I thought about that and in fact I even pretyy much tried it. There
was a glitch though in that PSP complained about some files not being
available or something. I ~think~ it's likely tied to missing registry
I suspect this has to do with the licensing methodology Corel uses for
this app. AFAIK, the necessary files get creating during Setup and
(possibly) validated at first runtime. (I use PSP9 and so is no

Free usenet access at http://www.eternal-september.org
ClassicVB Users Regroup! comp.lang.basic.visual.misc
2011-08-18 20:44:32 UTC
| I suspect this has to do with the licensing methodology Corel uses for
| this app. AFAIK, the necessary files get creating during Setup and
| (possibly) validated at first runtime. (I use PSP9 and so is no
| problem)

Corel came later. I have PSP5. (I once tried PSP7 but
it seemed bloated and convoluted.) In PSP at least up
to 5 there's no licensing requirement at all. I don't think
there's even a product key.

Two thoughts for RW:

1) There used to be a lot of programs that could transfer
software. I had very good luck with Quarterdeck Clean
Sweep. (The real program, before Symantect got their
hands on it.) If you have an old copy of anything like
that it should work.

2) The GIMP. I've been waiting for the new version, which
I think is overdue at this point. Supposedly the next version
is going to provide an MDI interface. I've tried the GIMP
occasionally in the past and wasn't terribly impressed, but
I'm hoping the next version will be worth using and perhaps
switching to.
2011-08-18 21:05:56 UTC
Post by Mayayana
Corel came later. I have PSP5. (I once tried PSP7 but
it seemed bloated and convoluted.) In PSP at least up
to 5 there's no licensing requirement at all. I don't think
there's even a product key.
My PSP8/PSP9 came as "Jasc Software Inc." product and both require
product key AND license key IIRC. Now, though, updates come from Corel.

Free usenet access at http://www.eternal-september.org
ClassicVB Users Regroup! comp.lang.basic.visual.misc
Karl E. Peterson
2011-08-18 21:14:16 UTC
Post by Mayayana
Corel came later. I have PSP5. (I once tried PSP7 but
it seemed bloated and convoluted.) In PSP at least up
to 5 there's no licensing requirement at all. I don't think
there's even a product key.
My PSP8/PSP9 came as "Jasc Software Inc." product and both require product
key AND license key IIRC.
Really? I have both, as well, and they just install without question.
We did buy the licenses as corporate, but... huh!
.NET: It's About Trust!
2011-08-18 23:16:58 UTC
Post by Mayayana
Corel came later. I have PSP5. (I once tried PSP7 but
it seemed bloated and convoluted.) In PSP at least up
to 5 there's no licensing requirement at all. I don't think
there's even a product key.
My PSP8/PSP9 came as "Jasc Software Inc." product and both require product
key AND license key IIRC.
Really? I have both, as well, and they just install without question. We
did buy the licenses as corporate, but... huh!
Yeah, I've always had to enter the product key AND a license key
whenever I install to another machine. Possibly, then, you have a
corporate (site) license on your network server. AFAIK, I've never seen
any indication that there's a seat limit but I don't know for sure.

Free usenet access at http://www.eternal-september.org
ClassicVB Users Regroup! comp.lang.basic.visual.misc
Karl E. Peterson
2011-08-19 18:44:30 UTC
Post by Mayayana
Corel came later. I have PSP5. (I once tried PSP7 but
it seemed bloated and convoluted.) In PSP at least up
to 5 there's no licensing requirement at all. I don't think
there's even a product key.
My PSP8/PSP9 came as "Jasc Software Inc." product and both require product
key AND license key IIRC.
Really? I have both, as well, and they just install without question. We
did buy the licenses as corporate, but... huh!
Yeah, I've always had to enter the product key AND a license key whenever I
install to another machine. Possibly, then, you have a corporate (site)
license on your network server. AFAIK, I've never seen any indication that
there's a seat limit but I don't know for sure.
Nope, no license server. I guess it was "honor system." I think we
bought five licenses, way back, but it's never tried to enforce that in
any way.
.NET: It's About Trust!
Karl E. Peterson
2011-08-18 20:48:35 UTC
Post by RW
Post by Karl E. Peterson
Given how old it is, first thing I'd try is an "xcopy install" from
another machine. I mean, ya gotta wonder if just lifting the install
folder from one to the other would do the trick, eh?
I thought about that and in fact I even pretyy much tried it. There
was a glitch though in that PSP complained about some files not being
available or something. I ~think~ it's likely tied to missing registry
entries. I'm thinking of exporting a reg file for PSP from the old box
and merging it on the Win7 machine and trying the "xcopy install"
again. Thoughts?
Doubt it's the registry. Might be worth looking at what it stores
there, though. I have both PSP8 and PSP9 on this machine, and there
are also files here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Jasc Software Inc

Maybe fire up filemon/procmon before starting it, and see what it's
failing on?
.NET: It's About Trust!
2011-08-19 01:52:34 UTC
Oh for the good old days....
Here's the install log for PSP5. Very simple. It's
really nothing more than a program folder and shortcuts.
And the whole program only takes up about 27 MB:

Made Dir: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\UNWISE.EXE
RegDB Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Paint Shop
Pro 5.01
RegDB Val: Paint Shop Pro 5.01
RegDB Name: DisplayName
RegDB Root: 2
RegDB Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Paint Shop
Pro 5.01
RegDB Name: UninstallString
RegDB Root: 2
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Psp.exe
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Psp.cnt
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Psp.hlp
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Jcap32.dll
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\PspUd.flt
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tips.txt
Made Dir: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Brushes
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Brushes\JascBrush.jbr
Made Dir: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Profiles
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Profiles\Default.jcm
Made Dir: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\asphalt.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\canvas.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\ccanvas.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\clouds.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\cpaper.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\daze.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\dweave.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\fcanvas.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\fog.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\frpeel.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\grid.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\lava.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\lbricks.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\letters.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\letters2.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\lines.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\lunar.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\marble.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\marsh.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\mbricks.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\mist.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\ocean.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\PaperNam.idx
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\parch.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\polkadot.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\sbricks.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\sidewalk.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\spheres.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\weave.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\woodgrn.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\dither25.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\dither50.tex
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Papers\dither75.tex
Made Dir: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Palettes
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Palettes\Safety.pal
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Anim.exe
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\BaseFX.dll
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Anim.hlp
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Anim.cnt
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Readme.doc
Date/Time: Following file not copied.
File Overwrite: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Msvcrt.dll
Date/Time: Following file not copied.
File Overwrite: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Mfc42.dll
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Cdr32.flt
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Cdrimp32.flt
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Cgmimp32.flt
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Cmx32.flt
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Drw32.flt
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\drwimp32.flt
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Dxf32.flt
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Gem32.flt
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Hpgl32.flt
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\pic32.flt
File Overwrite: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\pspud.flt
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Wpg32.flt
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\D120_151.dll
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Fpxlib.dll
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Jcd.dat
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\JCMYK.dll
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\jff.dll
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\JImp16.Exe
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Jlem7.dll
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\JMEM.dll
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Jpeglib.dll
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Pcdlib32.dll
Made Dir: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\Tubes.ctl
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\AHands.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\ARocks.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\ACars.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\afeet.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\ahandprn.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\ACandy.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\amaple.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\aoak.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\AHolly.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\ACoins.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\ALetters.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\ACane.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\Aplanes.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\ASpheres.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\Adice.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\AFish.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\aFly.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\ABeetles.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\AButrFly.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\pspbrwse.jbf
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\ASpider.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\SpdrSpin.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\Ablocks.tub
File Copy: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Tubes\Popcorn.tub
Made Dir: C:\Program Files\Paint Shop Pro 5\Images
Made Dir: C:\Documents and Settings\Sysadmin\Start Menu\Programs\Paint Shop
Pro 5
Shell Link: C:\Documents and Settings\Sysadmin\Start Menu\Programs\Paint
Shop Pro 5\Paint Shop Pro Readme.lnk
Shell Link: C:\Documents and Settings\Sysadmin\Start Menu\Programs\Paint
Shop Pro 5\Paint Shop Pro 5.lnk
RegDB Key: Folder\shell\Browse with Paint Shop Pro\command
Shell Link: C:\Documents and Settings\Sysadmin\Start Menu\Programs\Paint
Shop Pro 5\Animation Shop.lnk
RegDB Key: Software\JASC\Paint Shop Pro 5\CMYK
RegDB Val: C:\PROGRA~1\PAINTS~1\Profiles\Default.jcm
RegDB Name: ProfilePath
RegDB Root: 1
Could not execute the external program C:\PROGRA~1\PAINTS~1\README.DOC.
Karl E. Peterson
2011-08-19 18:46:43 UTC
Post by Mayayana
Oh for the good old days....
Here's the install log for PSP5. Very simple. It's
really nothing more than a program folder and shortcuts.
Wow, pretty simple, alright. Worst case, maybe the VC4.2 runtimes
aren't installed?
.NET: It's About Trust!
Richard Cole
2011-08-18 17:15:17 UTC
Post by RW
#2. OT but if there's an answer I'm confident one or more of the gurus
here will know it.
I have used Paint Shop Pro v. 4 for ages as my graphics editing tool
of choice. It isn't fancy but it's easy to use and it does everything
I need it to do so I've never bothered upgrading. The problem is now
that I'm on Windows 7 x64 PSP won't install. Apparently the PSP
installer is a 16-bit beastie and Win7 x64 absolutely refuses to run
16-bit progs no matter what compatibility settings are selected. PSP
itself is a 32-bit app; it's just the installer that seems to be "no
go" for Win7.
And yes, I've always selected "Run as Administrator" every time I've
tried to install PSP.
Does anyone know of a way to get Win7 to install PSP v. 4. Barring
that, any suggestions for a replacement for PSP4?
Thank you for your time and cooperation.
As a replacement I use Paint.NET (http://www.getpaint.net/). It's free and
does more than PSP and is easy enough for me to use.

www.caravanningnow.co.uk, www.rcole.org and www.homeindorset.com
User Error: Replace user, hit any key to continue.
2011-08-18 21:00:30 UTC
Post by Richard Cole
Post by RW
#2. OT but if there's an answer I'm confident one or more of the gurus
here will know it.
I have used Paint Shop Pro v. 4 for ages as my graphics editing tool
of choice. It isn't fancy but it's easy to use and it does everything
I need it to do so I've never bothered upgrading. The problem is now
that I'm on Windows 7 x64 PSP won't install. Apparently the PSP
installer is a 16-bit beastie and Win7 x64 absolutely refuses to run
16-bit progs no matter what compatibility settings are selected. PSP
itself is a 32-bit app; it's just the installer that seems to be "no
go" for Win7.
And yes, I've always selected "Run as Administrator" every time I've
tried to install PSP.
Does anyone know of a way to get Win7 to install PSP v. 4. Barring
that, any suggestions for a replacement for PSP4?
Thank you for your time and cooperation.
As a replacement I use Paint.NET (http://www.getpaint.net/). It's free and
does more than PSP and is easy enough for me to use.
Well, IMO it certainly DOES NOT do more than PSP<g>, but 'free' is
always good IF it serves your purposes!

Free usenet access at http://www.eternal-september.org
ClassicVB Users Regroup! comp.lang.basic.visual.misc
2011-08-23 02:39:50 UTC
Post by GS
Post by RW
On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 14:49:12 -0400, RW
Post by RW
#2. OT but if there's an answer I'm confident one or more
of the gurus here will know it.
I have used Paint Shop Pro v. 4 for ages as my graphics
editing tool of choice. It isn't fancy but it's easy to
use and it does everything I need it to do so I've never
bothered upgrading. The problem is now that I'm on
Windows 7 x64 PSP won't install. Apparently the PSP
installer is a 16-bit beastie and Win7 x64 absolutely
refuses to run 16-bit progs no matter what compatibility
settings are selected. PSP itself is a 32-bit app; it's
just the installer that seems to be "no go" for Win7.
And yes, I've always selected "Run as Administrator"
every time I've tried to install PSP.
Does anyone know of a way to get Win7 to install PSP v.
4. Barring that, any suggestions for a replacement for
Thank you for your time and cooperation.
As a replacement I use Paint.NET
(http://www.getpaint.net/). It's free and does more than
PSP and is easy enough for me to use.
Well, IMO it certainly DOES NOT do more than PSP<g>, but
'free' is always good IF it serves your purposes!
I agree, it doesn't come close to doing more than PSP, and I
recommend Paint.NET to people often.

However, the printing functionality is abysmal, relying on the
Windows printing mechanism instead of having its own. PSP's
printing and page setup functions is far superior. IMO.
2011-08-28 15:48:11 UTC
Post by Richard Cole
Post by RW
#2. OT but if there's an answer I'm confident one or more of the gurus
here will know it.
I have used Paint Shop Pro v. 4 for ages as my graphics editing tool
of choice. It isn't fancy but it's easy to use and it does everything
I need it to do so I've never bothered upgrading. The problem is now
that I'm on Windows 7 x64 PSP won't install. Apparently the PSP
installer is a 16-bit beastie and Win7 x64 absolutely refuses to run
16-bit progs no matter what compatibility settings are selected. PSP
itself is a 32-bit app; it's just the installer that seems to be "no
go" for Win7.
And yes, I've always selected "Run as Administrator" every time I've
tried to install PSP.
Does anyone know of a way to get Win7 to install PSP v. 4. Barring
that, any suggestions for a replacement for PSP4?
Thank you for your time and cooperation.
As a replacement I use Paint.NET (http://www.getpaint.net/). It's free and
does more than PSP and is easy enough for me to use.
Is there a tool to download the documentation so it is available
locally such that I do not have to be connected to the Internet to uses
the documentation?
2011-08-28 21:20:50 UTC
Is there a tool to download the documentation so it is available locally such
that I do not have to be connected to the Internet to uses the documentation?
Ah, ..now that's why it's free! I suspect you'll have to save all the
pages and package them into a CHM yourself.<g>

Alternatively, if your PDF print driver lets you append then you could
print each page to a single PDF and make your own TOC for navigating!

Free usenet access at http://www.eternal-september.org
ClassicVB Users Regroup! comp.lang.basic.visual.misc
2011-08-18 17:48:02 UTC
Post by RW
I have used Paint Shop Pro v. 4 for ages as my graphics editing tool
of choice. It isn't fancy but it's easy to use and it does everything
I need it to do so I've never bothered upgrading.
Besides what others suggested, you can use the free Microsoft Virtual PC to
run your program, but you would need an OS CD that supports 16 bits, such as
9x/2000/XP, etc.


Other than that, try these links:


2011-08-18 19:39:07 UTC
On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 14:49:12 -0400, RW <***@no_domain.invalid> wrote:

Thanks to all who took the time to offer their suggestions! I
appreciate your efforts and will take all under advisement.
Karl E. Peterson
2011-08-24 18:00:59 UTC
Post by RW
I have used Paint Shop Pro v. 4 for ages as my graphics editing tool
of choice. It isn't fancy but it's easy to use and it does everything
I need it to do so I've never bothered upgrading. The problem is now
that I'm on Windows 7 x64 PSP won't install. Apparently the PSP
installer is a 16-bit beastie and Win7 x64 absolutely refuses to run
16-bit progs no matter what compatibility settings are selected. PSP
itself is a 32-bit app; it's just the installer that seems to be "no
go" for Win7.
And yes, I've always selected "Run as Administrator" every time I've
tried to install PSP.
Does anyone know of a way to get Win7 to install PSP v. 4. Barring
that, any suggestions for a replacement for PSP4?
Okay, this is gonna sound extreme, I know... <g>

How about the latest version (X3) for $0?

Actually, it's $65 with a $65 mail-in rebate, for product bought by


At that price, might be worth a try. Plus, it'd (morally, at least)
legitimize you running *any* previous version you obtained the bits
for, should you decide to.
.NET: It's About Trust!
Deanna Earley
2011-08-25 07:55:51 UTC
Post by Karl E. Peterson
How about the latest version (X3) for $0?
I'll still stick with 7 :)
8+ just went to pot IMO and 7 still handles vector graphics/layers (but
not alpha PNGs easily :( )
Dee Earley (***@icode.co.uk)
i-Catcher Development Team

iCode Systems

(Replies direct to my email address will be ignored.
Please reply to the group.)
Karl E. Peterson
2011-08-25 16:29:20 UTC
Post by Deanna Earley
Post by Karl E. Peterson
How about the latest version (X3) for $0?
I'll still stick with 7 :)
8+ just went to pot IMO and 7 still handles vector graphics/layers (but not
alpha PNGs easily :( )
I haven't used 7 in a long time, so I forget what prompted that move.
There were reasons I went to 8, though, I'm sure. But 8 frequently
blows in Win7 when you try dragging a cropping rectangle. Not cool.
And 9 forces Win7 out of Aero mode. I can't decide yet on X3. Seems
*slow* as hell, but has a few nice new features. Thankfully, they can
all be installed and run on the same machine.
.NET: It's About Trust!
2011-09-02 17:52:32 UTC
On Wed, 17 Aug 2011 14:49:12 -0400, RW <***@no_domain.invalid> wrote:

I know everyone has been on pins and needles wondering if I resolved
my problems with PSP 4 on Win7x64. <vbg>

I finally just bit the bullet and downloaded and installed the XP-mode
software. It's not the perfect solution but at least Paint Shop Pro 4
installed on it and runs OK. That'll work just fine until/if I decide
to move up to a later version of PSP.

Now you all can enjoy your holiday without worrying! ; - D
