Access data problems (little bit long)
(too old to reply)
2017-05-09 14:55:17 UTC
I have a table CDNames in an Access 2003 database containing records
for a program to pick up.
There were 72 records in the table.
I added a new record :
i_CDName CDName CDPath ExecPath
169 ppw path to data folder path to
program executable IsActive

The query set up in the program is
SELECT CDPath From CDNames WHERE CDName = "ppw"

Run query in Access and it works fine
Run query in VB and it can't find CDName = "ppw"

The code to set the query and get CDPath is exactly the same as I have
used in other programs and it works every time except this one.
GetPath "ppw"

Sub GetPath(strCDName As String)
CONN_STR = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
GetDBPath & "\craftprogs\craftprogs.mdb"
strSQL = "SELECT CDPath From CDNames WHERE CDName = " & """" &
strCDName & """"
Set clsXa = New clsDB
clsXa.SetSQL strSQL - set SQL in class instance
clsXa.SetConnection (CONN_STR) - set connection
clsXa.Connect - connect to database
Public Sub Fetch()
Set objComm = New ADODB.Command
' set connection for command
objComm.ActiveConnection = objConn
objComm.CommandText = strSQL
objComm.CommandType = adCmdText
Set Recset = objComm.Execute()
End Sub

If clsXa.Recset.EOF Then
MsgBox ("Error" & vbCrLf & "Path " & strCDName & " not found"
& vbCrLf & "Program ending")
End If

strPath = clsXa.Recset.Fields("CDPath").Value & "\"
End Sub

I then did a bit more investigating and added a further record, making
2 new ones.
I found that the query was not reading in all of the records, missing
out the new ones.
I then changed the query to
strSQL = "SELECT * From CDNames"
and it made no difference, still missed the 2 new ones.
I then changed some of the names in the CDName field and ran the
program again, printing the records to a text file.
The text file showed that the CDNames fields were exactly the same as
before I changed them.
The changes had not been picked up, and the records I obtained
appeared to be from the earlier database.
The only copy of the database on my system is that with the changes
Accessing the database from programs I had previously compiled
displays the values that I expect, but running from within the IDE
gives the old values before I changed them.
Could my VB6 installation be corrupted in some way ? If so, would
reinstalling over the top of the existing one help ?
Can anyone advise, I am completely at a loss.
remove fred before emailing
2017-05-09 14:56:30 UTC
Apologies, greeting mmissed out.
Should have started
Hello all
Post by scbs29
I have a table CDNames in an Access 2003 database containing records
for a program to pick up.
There were 72 records in the table.
i_CDName CDName CDPath ExecPath
169 ppw path to data folder path to
program executable IsActive
The query set up in the program is
SELECT CDPath From CDNames WHERE CDName = "ppw"
Run query in Access and it works fine
Run query in VB and it can't find CDName = "ppw"
The code to set the query and get CDPath is exactly the same as I have
used in other programs and it works every time except this one.
GetPath "ppw"
Sub GetPath(strCDName As String)
CONN_STR = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
GetDBPath & "\craftprogs\craftprogs.mdb"
strSQL = "SELECT CDPath From CDNames WHERE CDName = " & """" &
strCDName & """"
Set clsXa = New clsDB
clsXa.SetSQL strSQL - set SQL in class instance
clsXa.SetConnection (CONN_STR) - set connection
clsXa.Connect - connect to database
Public Sub Fetch()
Set objComm = New ADODB.Command
' set connection for command
objComm.ActiveConnection = objConn
objComm.CommandText = strSQL
objComm.CommandType = adCmdText
Set Recset = objComm.Execute()
End Sub
If clsXa.Recset.EOF Then
MsgBox ("Error" & vbCrLf & "Path " & strCDName & " not found"
& vbCrLf & "Program ending")
End If
strPath = clsXa.Recset.Fields("CDPath").Value & "\"
End Sub
I then did a bit more investigating and added a further record, making
2 new ones.
I found that the query was not reading in all of the records, missing
out the new ones.
I then changed the query to
strSQL = "SELECT * From CDNames"
and it made no difference, still missed the 2 new ones.
I then changed some of the names in the CDName field and ran the
program again, printing the records to a text file.
The text file showed that the CDNames fields were exactly the same as
before I changed them.
The changes had not been picked up, and the records I obtained
appeared to be from the earlier database.
The only copy of the database on my system is that with the changes
Accessing the database from programs I had previously compiled
displays the values that I expect, but running from within the IDE
gives the old values before I changed them.
Could my VB6 installation be corrupted in some way ? If so, would
reinstalling over the top of the existing one help ?
Can anyone advise, I am completely at a loss.
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